Mango prices nosedive

Vijay Upadhyay
Agra. At a time when the prices of all commodities are reaching the unprecedented highs in the country, connoisseurs of mangoes in Agra have a reason to rejoice as the prices of the local delight Dussehri mangoes have reached a record low this year.
Priced at just Rs 6-8 per kg, Dussehri mangoes have flooded the markets in the town over the past couple of days. While
one kg of "Mumbai" mangoes cost as high as Rs 30 per kg, the huge influx of the local delight Dussehri mangoes has tipped the scales, bringing the aam prices within the reach of the aam aadmi.
Notably, the prices of this much-in-demand mango variety have always remained between Rs 10-12 at their lowest point every year and this is the first time that too because of a bumper mango crop, the prices have gone further low touching Rs 6 per kg.
This sudden drop in mango prices has prompted the local entrepreneurs into profiting from this
opportunity. Fruit juice stalls all over the town have begun selling large glasses of "mango-shake" for as little as Rs 5 per glass, pushing the rest of the fruit-juices to the back seat.
Interestingly, it is just the price of mangoes that has gone down in Agra, rest all fruits of summer like oranges, peaches and other delicacies are still costing between Rs 25-30 per kg. Even groceries like potatoes and tomatoes are priced higher than mangoes.
Citing the tremendous summer heat in the west and the advent of monsoons in Eastern UP as the reason behind this drop in mango prices over the past couple of days, local fruit dealers claim that the price drop shall continue for a few weeks more, after which, the Dussehri mango shall began disappearing from the market.
The Dussehri was also the favourite mango variety for the local mango - pulp industry due to its high pulp content and low residual waste but this variety lasted only about a month in the market, entering the market only with the advent of monsoons in eastern Uttar Pradesh and going out with the rains in western UP.


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