Joint Indo-Russian airborne exercises begin in Agra
Vijay Upadhyay Agra. The joint Indo-Russian airborne exercises -- INDRA-2005 -- began at the Malpura dropping zone of Kheria Airforce base in Agra early morning on Friday. India's 50th Independent Paratrooper brigade led Lt General S Pattabhiraman, the Deputy Chief of Indian Army and the 76th Russian Airborne division led by Col Gen Alexander Kalmakov, Chief, Russian Airborne Division began exercise began at 8.30 am on Friday. The two chiefs made the first jump along with a dozen other paratroopers of both sides. Later, talking to media persons, Lt General Pattabhiraman informed that this exercise is a precursor to the intense land-based exercise that will start at the Mahajan field firing ranges at Suratgarh in Rajasthan two days later. The aim of this exercise is to ensure that in case of a situation which demands mutual cooperation between the troops of the two countries against urban te...